Tuesday 19 February 2013

Alot of work done .....

I have been having such a fantastic response to Missdesginergolf.com and …. Drum roll please…..Miss Designer Golf .Com is quickly becoming the largest dedicated discount site for ladies designer golf wear in the UK and Ireland and we have you to thank for that!

I have spent the last few days working on the administration for the site, I am nearly ready to move on to the marketing over the next few weeks – much more enjoyable and I cant wait!!!

Just a bit of news for you…

I have just finalised agreements with 2 of the biggest brands in the world to stock their designer ladies golf wear, I am currently going through the ranges and I hope to have these added soon.


I have just come back from meetings with Green Lamb and Calvin Klein Golf and I have secured exclusive stock which has not been seen in the UK and Ireland before – it looks fantastic and as always, I will have this at 50% off. They also gave me a sneak preview of the Autumn/Winter 2013 range and it looks fantastic. I can see these brands really going from strength to strength!!

Did you know that they already have their Spring/Summer 2014 range designed and will have their samples in soon – it’s amazing to think how far ahead the fashion industry needs to be and here we are only just starting to see the Spring/Summer 2013 hit the shops!!!

In case you are not aware, I am constantly on Facebook and Twitter so please ‘LIKE’ and  ‘FOLLOW US’ to keep up to date with what’s going on!!! (it helps with our rankings also!!)


I am getting ready to send our newsletter and Just to let you know that my editor is designing

the most comprehensive newsletter I have ever seen – it’s like a mini magazine in fact!!!
(to sign up register at the bottom of the home page - click here)

You can look forward to;

 ·        A health and well-being guide

·         Fitness section with core exercises to get your swing ready for spring!!

·         Fashion trends for Spring/Summer 2013

·         Latest deals and offers

·         Latest information on new brands and exclusive deals

thanks for reading,


Wednesday 13 February 2013

Well its finally here, after 5 long hard years I have officially lauched my new website http://www.missdesignergolf.com/. I have never been so proud, and here I was thinking that that hard work is over!! its really only just starting....

I want to keep you uptodate with my trials and tribulations of running and managing this site, hopefully get advise from you and also for me to offer advise and of course to let you know of the fantastic deals I may have!!!!

So to start I better give you a brief overview of what the website is about; time to start the 'marketing speak'......

Stocking brands such as Calvin Klein golf and Green Lamb, Miss Designer Golf is the only dedicated ladies golf clothing website offering a minimum 50% off all products on sale on the web.

It is the one stop shop for all lady golfers looking for premium products at fantastic prices. It is also a great place to shop if you want to buy for someone else especially with all the help you can get from the customer service team.
Stay tuned for more, chat later, Katie.